Tango Plan

Argentine tango learning plan brought by Caminito.cz

Tango Classes

This is a learning plan for our students of argentine tango. We are offering it as a free tool for anyone who would like to exercise and get some guidance or inspiration for their tango journey. The plan is in no way official, it simply contains what we consider useful based on our experience. Also, do not take the scoring too seriously. Have fun with it (and come to practica)!

Linda & Jakub, Prague 2024

Basic Solo Exercises

If you want to progress, these solo technique exercises should be part of your daily routine. We simply list the exercises here. To understand the detail of how they should be performed, come to our classes or practica and we will be happy to explain and show them to you.

Step and Walk

This group of exercises improves the technique of your step and walk in general. They are absolutely crucial for your dance (credit to Michalis Karatsioris for Brush and more).


This group of exercises establishes the basic technique of your pivots.


Rebounds and crosses are also very important.

Basic Skills

These are the elements, figures, and other skills that we consider handy for beginners and we will teach them in our classes. Of course, this is not the exhaustive list, and other teachers might choose a completely different set. But we according to our experience, we think this is a good start.


Communication is in the core of tango, and understanding its principles will be important from the very beginning. Throughtout the course, the communication skills will be continually improved.

Walk and Change

Basic walk types to train with your partner. In the ideal case, you should be able to fluently switch between them.

Position and Direction Changes

These figures are useful for changing relative position of partners or changing the direction of the couple. Below, positive angles indicate rotation to left (following the leader's left hand), negative angles indicate rotation to right.

Giro Prep

These figures are useful for everyday dance but they will also improve your technique and partner skills. With them, we will prepare grounds for introducing giro later.


Classical tango figure that we cannot miss.


From time to time, we should stop and enjoy the moment.


What should you know about the tango music?

Social Skills

We must not forget the skills which are crucial for quality social interaction.

Basic+ Skills

These are the elements, figures and other skills that we will teach at the later stages of our basic classes.

Rythm and Dynamics

On this level, you should understand the basics of rhythmicality and be able to change the speed in walk.

Music 2

It is time to learn some basic musicality concepts in tango.


Giro is a technically demanding figure. This checklist assumes you can comfortably dance it including correct timing, keeping balance, and supporting your partner.


We will explore a few more useful figures with crosses, which will challenge your leading/following skills.

🏗️ Work in progress

Intermediate Skills

These are the elements, figures and other skills that we will teach at intermediate classes.

Milonga Basics

You should be aware of milonga, recognize it playing and be able to dance it.

Vals Basics

You should be aware of vals, recognize it playing and be able to dance it.

🏗️ Work in progress
